Sunday, April 02, 2006

Alan Gold's Warrior Queen

I have a spare ARC (advance reading copy) of this novel, published in the US in June 2005. Given all the recent reviews of historical novels on Boudica in the blogosphere lately, I was wondering if anyone would like this copy, maybe to review on your own blog? I'm curious what an expert might think of it! This ARC has obviously been read once, so it's not brand new, but otherwise it's in decent shape. If interested, just leave a comment, and you can also email me your mailing address (to if you think I don't have it already. I'll ship to anywhere. If nobody wants it, it's going to our library's giveaway pile.


  1. I'm interested in reading it, Sarah. So's my blog.

  2. Great, I'll get it out to you tomorrow. Postage is on me :)

  3. LOL - that was fast!
