Submission Policy

Hello and thanks for your interest in my submissions policy. Reading the Past is permanently closed to unsolicited review and interview queries.  Due to my existing commitments for the Historical Novels Review and Booklist, my reading time is limited, and I already have a large TBR of purchased titles I hope to read.

In addition, requests to post promotional mentions (including but not limited to publisher blurbs, buy links, giveaways, cover reveals, and book trailers) are not being accepted.

The sidebar of this blog lists many additional historical fiction blogs which may (or may not) be open to review and interview queries.  Best wishes for success with your novel's promotion.


Contact me

I can be reached at sarah (at) readingthepast (dot) com. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments, but please note that this site is closed to new review and interview queries.

My mailing address:  Sarah Johnson, Booth Library, Eastern Illinois University, 600 Lincoln Ave., Charleston, IL, 61920, USA.


Copyright © 2006-25 by Sarah L. Johnson. Please do not copy reviews, posts, or other material from this site without my express permission. Authors contributing guest posts retain copyright to their contributions.