Wednesday, March 19, 2025

The Long and Winding Road, an essay by Lorraine Norwood, author of The Solitary Sparrow

Continuing with the Small Press Month focus, I'm pleased to welcome Lorraine Norwood to Reading the Past with an essay about her long journey to publishing her debut novel. What do you do when you've chosen a compelling subject and have developed your fiction writing craft but find it impossible to break into the trend-focused market of traditional publication?  Please read on, and please check out Lorraine's website for more information on her medieval historical fiction series, The Margaret Chronicles.


The Long and Winding Road
Lorraine Norwood

I published my debut book in 2024 after years of writing. I submitted hundreds of queries, attended conferences, was accepted by an agent, submitted to the Big 5, got turned down, submitted to smaller houses, got accepted by a small publisher but said "no" because the contract was lousy, suffered the death of my biggest fan— my mother, got Covid and cancer, was released by my agent, pivoted to a reputable hybrid publisher—and then got accepted. Hurray! It only took me 38 years.

It was a long and winding road. Hard, with very deep potholes.

Why, you might ask, did you not shove the book in a drawer and forget writing? Well, I’ve had lots of jobs in my life in order to pay the electric bill but the job I do best is writing. And it’s the one that gives me the most joy. I didn’t give up because I couldn’t NOT do it. Even though it didn’t pay the electric bill.

Since the first day my main character jumped into my head, I’ve seen a huge shift in the gatekeepers, a shift that has made it difficult for newbies to break into the traditional world of publishing.

Fourteen years ago I attended the HNS conference (my first) in San Diego and heard a group of editors and agents describe the chaotic changes in the traditional publishing world as the “new Wild Wild West.” I couldn’t be bothered with what the cowboys in New York City were doing. I had a book to get out. I had been working on it for years. All I had to do was get an agent at the conference, submit to the big boys, and voila! it was going to be a hit. Historical fiction readers were going to love it. I would be wined and dined, accompanied on book tours by my marketing agent, and get carpal tunnel syndrome from signing so many books.

Well, why NOT me? I did the work. Sat my butt in the chair. Worked on the craft. Got an agent. I rewrote sections of my manuscript for my agent, changed plotlines for prospective editors, and deleted scenes for editors who wanted the book sanitized. The negative responses went like this:

•  The writing is top-notch, but nobody reads historical fiction anymore.
•  It’s great writing, but it’s not saleable.
•  Loved your characters, but we’re concerned about getting a return on our investment.

I did all the things you’re supposed to do and still NADA. After five years of trying, my agent, bless her heart, apologized and let me go.

That was the lowest, deepest pothole.

Jump to 2023. Traditional publishing was still not home on the range. If anything it was wilder than anybody predicted. Where were the chummy editor/writer consultations? Where were the book tours? Where were the marketing teams? Where were the new authors? Why were the big boys putting out the same people over and over again? And how, in all this chaos, with 2.2 million (and some say 3 million) books published yearly (according to UNESCO), can an author ever hope to climb to the top of the heap?

The truth is, you can’t. To think otherwise is delusional. At least that’s what a book coach and influencer told me during a Zoom call attended by hundreds of writers from across the globe. “You are delusional,” she said to me. Well, maybe she didn’t actually call ME delusional, just my thinking. Same thing. It hurt my feelings. But I realize now she was right. Except, maybe I wasn’t so much delusional as outdated and naive. I was waiting for others to take charge of my destiny, instead of me.

My book is NOT: historical fantasy, speculative historical fiction, historical crime, a retelling of Greek myths or historical romantasy. It’s not anything that the publishing powerful say they want.

author Lorraine Norwood
author Lorraine Norwood
My book is the story of one girl’s dogged pursuit to be the first female physician in England specializing in the care of women. The book is heavy on common people and light on the nobility. There aren’t any Tudors for another 200 years. The book is bloody, realistic, and gruesome in places. In fact, Goodreads contains this content warning: Abortion, miscarriage, death, misogyny, racial discrimination, gruesome medical procedures, and this review, “While I loved the grittiness of the story, a few scenes were a bit too crude for my reading preferences.”

Well, as the man says, “The past is a foreign country. They do things differently there.” Like die from childbed fever.

I now had a choice. I could spend more years of my life querying for an agent, querying the major and minor publishers, and waiting . . . and waiting or . . .

I was now 73 years old. I didn’t have time to wait.

I took an intense course on self-publishing. Self-publishing, no longer the red-headed stepchild of the author’s world, has gotten easier and more user friendly. But I decided my time could be spent more wisely by writing while I paid others to produce the book. After a lot of research and consultation with writer friends, I pivoted to hybrid publishing. One year later my book was born and out in the world.

At the recent History Quill 2025 virtual conference, panelists agreed that today traditional and indie publishing must go beyond mere writing and printing a book; multiple formats are increasingly important along with newsletters, blogs, email lists, social branding and authority on a subject.

And you thought all you had to do was write. Well, not anymore.

So, I’ll leave you with a few thoughts about the long and winding road.

There are many paths to publishing today. That’s the good news. You can send your work to agents or to small presses that don’t require an agent. You can send your work to hybrid presses or you can self-publish.

Do you have five years? Do you want to put it out there and get rejected or languish in a slush pile? Or do you want to see it out in the world in a year or possibly less?

For those of us who are "of a certain age," there is no question. We can’t wait. The finished book—that is, the book that has been through beta readers, a developmental editor, a proofreader, a cover artist, and typographer—needs to be born as quickly as possible.

If you really want to do it, don’t wait. You’ll wait yourself into the grave. Morbid? Yes. But true. Sh*t happens. If you wait, it’s going to happen anyway. Don’t wait.


Lorraine Norwood is a North Carolina native living in the Blue Ridge Mountains with her 14-year-old yellow Lab who thinks food is more interesting than writing. Lorraine is working on The Margaret Chronicles, an historical fiction series set in 14th century England and France. The first of the series, The Solitary Sparrow, was published in 2024. She is hard at work on the sequel, A Pelican in the Wilderness. 

Lorraine worked as a journalist in print and television for over 20 years before living the dream at the University of York in York, UK, where she earned a master’s degree in medieval archaeology. She has participated in excavations in York and at other sites in England, including a leper hospital. 

She is a member of the Women’s Fiction Writers Association and the Historical Novel Society. She is happy that at long last, after two marriages, two children, twelve jobs, three college degrees, and twenty-three moves, she has a room of her own in which to write. 


  1. Lorraine's author story could be mine -- I'm still working on the novel I've been writing for 15 years (and am grateful for my academic day job). I've already had an agent come and go and have had rejections from big publishers because they couldn't imagine how to package it. I've helped a friend start a small press to publish her (excellent) fantasy series that couldn't find an agent or a press -- in the research process for that I've heard a lot of the same messages that Lorraine has. She's inspiring me to get that novel finished and find my readers no matter what the "industry" has to say!

    1. I had a feeling that Lorraine's post would resonate with authors! It is frustrating to get that response from the larger publishers. Best of luck with everything... I'm sure your novel will find a good audience!

  2. Lorraine's excellent book is an example of how fickle the traditional publishing industry can be. Having read and loved The Solitary Sparrow, I'm grateful she had the tenacity to get it published. I can't wait for the next book in her series.

    1. Thanks for your comments - I'm glad to hear you've read and enjoyed the novel already!

  3. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Bravo!!! Loved this article and the book sounds fascinating!

  4. Lorraine's story could be mine as well! Thank you for publishing it Sarah. I can't wait to read The Solitary Sparrow so I'm going to go purchase a copy right now. Here's to tenacity and courage - best of luck to you Lorraine!

    1. I was glad to have the opportunity to publish Lorraine's essay. I hope you'll enjoy the book!

  5. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I loved hearing Lorraine's story. And yes, it really resonated. Looking forward to checking out her novel.

    1. Happy to hear your comments - thanks!

  6. My own journey as an author closely parallels that of Lorraine: a story we were compelled to tell, years of work to perfect it, a hide-bound industry seeming to stand in our way, and finally, FINALLY, the finished (meaning published) novel at the same age of 73. Reading her essay, I had to smile and nod numerous times, knowing the same satisfaction as she— seeing our books in print, and available to readers. Well done, Lorraine!

  7. With great interest I read Lorraine’s convoluted story of publishing her debut novel. I smiled and nodded often, the correlation between her journey and mine were so remarkable: a compelling story that cried out for us to tell it, the countless obstacles of a hide-bound industry, and the final satisfaction of seeing our novels in print at the ripe age of 73. But her work as an author (and mine) lie not only in the past. We both lean forward in the continuing adventure of a creative, writing life.

    1. How interesting your stories are similar in so many ways. It's good to hear things worked out for both of you!

    2. Sorry for the double comment, Sarah. I thought my first one got lost in the internet either!

    3. Not a problem! I have it set to moderate comments because of spam, so there may be a short delay in them showing up.

  8. Brava, Lorraine. I admire your sense of humor and gumption. You did it! And I loved your book, so double Brava!!!!!

    1. Thanks for commenting - I'm looking forward to reading Lorraine's book myself!
