Wednesday, September 03, 2008

An interesting UPS delivery

No, this isn't directly book-related, but...

I keep a large bin by the front door for UPS and FedEx to leave packages in. It's used mostly for review book shipments. This morning, two of the neighborhood kittens decided to use it as a napping place.

And that's our cat Callie, peeking out the front door at them, looking very annoyed and jealous.


  1. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Too cute, on a few levels. I so wish my oldest child wasn't allergic to them...

    Brilliant idea for the shipment drop-box... *steals* (idea, not shipments!) I'm forever worrying about amazon boxes being stolen from my porch.

  2. Hah! Love the caption!

    The bin works out real well - delivery guys know to leave stuff there, and it prevents the packages from being left out in the rain.

  3. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Too cute! And, on a different topic, thanks for the updates on The Jewel of Medina. The ultimate fate of that book is a test for a lot of things in publishing.

  4. Indeed. I hope it is true (as I saw on the HF board) that Jones found a new US publisher for her novel (link for those who haven't seen). They expect to publish in October, too? wow. I wonder how they'll accomplish that.

  5. Perhaps they would like to be reviewed? I give them 5 stars! :-)


  6. They are soooo cute! I want a package like that at my door!

  7. What an adorable surprise for you!
    Did they find a new home too?

    I love the drop box idea and great for those winter deliveries. Good thinking.

  8. I love this! I also love that your cat was watching. Cats are the best.

  9. Callie is alternately fascinated and disgusted by the kittens. We're not sure if they formally belong to anyone, but they spend a lot of time on our next door neighbors' back porch.

  10. Awwwwww - that's adorable!!! Hope they have a real home, though - I'd hate to think of them outside in an Illinois winter.

  11. Yep, I know - we plan on finding out.

  12. That second picture is priceless!

  13. Anonymous2:45 PM

    These are really cute pictures. I would love to have cats pile up on my packages like that however my delivery service doesn’t require that I leave packages out for pickup or delivery since I can set my watch by them and I’m normally home when packages arrive. Adorable though…they look very comfortable.
