Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Big big snow

Welcome to my front yard, around 4:30pm today (photo taken by Mark). The snow's still coming down, and there's a nice thick layer of ice underneath it all. The University of Illinois, as the news folks keep telling us, cancelled classes today for the first time since 1979. They're also cancelled tomorrow. EIU cancelled today, too, at 11am, by which point I was already at work.

No, this post has no historical fiction content whatsoever, although if I'm home tomorrow, I'll probably be writing a couple outstanding reviews.


  1. Oh, that's pretty! Just rain here.

  2. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Oh yes. Rehearsals were cancelled today for Romeo & Juliet, and I doubt we'll be performing tomorrow. Which means a writing day, as well as a play with my ten month old day.
    Snow days. Not just fun for kids.

  3. What a lovely photo! Just rain here too - endless, endless rain. :(

  4. Love that snow! We had rain and tornados yesterday, now wind and cold - but no snow... .

  5. Anonymous1:28 PM

    What a great looking snow! We only got rain and a nasty ice glaze here. And had to go to work. Enjoy your time off.
