Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bride Flight giveaway winners

I feel I should be writing more about the Historical Novel Society conference, which was wonderful - thanks so much to all of the speakers, editors & agents, volunteers, and all of the attendees for participating.  I returned late Monday night after a very long flight (and having to repack my bag in the middle of the San Diego airport because it went over the weight limit - too many books!).  Since I'm still completely exhausted, and have a deadline for August's Historical Novels Review and some new responsibilities at work to take care of asap, I'm going to post more about the conference at a later time, I hope.

In the meantime, I wanted to announce the three winners of the Bride Flight giveaway contest.  Copies of the book as well as sets of movie passes will be going out to:  Linda B, Elizabeth D, and Noreen F.  I'll be in touch via email with details, and congratulations!


  1. Thanks, Danielle! It's good to be back. Now if I could find more time to write a proper blog post I'd be all set :)

  2. Just wanted to mention there are some Facebook pages for this book/movie....(Bride Flight).
